To learn more about this issue and get involved, we encourage members of our community to explore the organizations and resources below:
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc., an organization providing direct legal services to the immigrant children separated from their families.
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, an organization legal services to the asylum-seeking parents being separated from their families.
Annunciation House, an organization that provides refuge to migrants.
Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee, an organization helping pay immigration bonds to free detained people, helping to reunite them with family, avoid bail bond lenders, and improve their chances in immigration court.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), an organization that helps bond out immigrants.
The CARA ProBono Project defends refugees from deportation from within the infamous Dilley Family Detention Center.
The National Immigrant Justice Center and its clients thrive on the financial support of caring individuals. Your gift can reunite a family, free a detained asylum seeker, or even save the life of an individual who faces deportation to a life-threatening situation.
The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights works alongside attorneys and social workers to take action serving in the best interest of the child.
The Texas Civil Rights Project is also working to reunite families through legal work and interviews with as many people affected as possible.
Neta is a bilingual, grassroots and Latinx-run organization based in the Rio Grande Valley that tells stories of immigrants from both sides of the border.
The Florence Project, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit legal service organization providing free legal services to men, women, and unaccompanied children in immigration custody in Arizona.
South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project(ProBAR) provide pro bono legal services to asylum seekers detained in South Texas.
Kids In Need of Defense, KIND staff and their pro bono attorney partners at law firms, corporations, and law schools nationwide represent unaccompanied immigrant and refugee children in their deportation proceedings.