Crack Rodriguez

Crack Rodriguez, Mental Spaces I

Crack Rodriguez (b. 1980, El Salvador) Lives and works in El Salvador. Rodriguez is an artist and activist, and lives and works in La Libertad, El Salvador. He’s a member of The Fire Theory, an art collective based out of El Salvador. Rodriguez is also a member of the artistic movement “Los Siempre Sospechosos de Todo” (Those Always Suspicious of Everything). His practice and actions are intrinsically related to social, political, and popular culture, from which ties to the public – who react and or participate in his practice – are built. Rodriguez resignifies his public, not as passive spectators but as accomplices of the action’s memory, to catalyze the rituals of the social context in order to question and demystify symbols and narratives belonging to abuses of power that seek to impose their acute vision of truth as the official one. Rodriguez was a beneficiary and participant of the Landings project by curator Joan Duran Mérida, in Yucatán / Belize, which was an important influence on Rodriguez’s practice. His work was presented at CreativeTime Summit 2017 “Patria y Revolución”, coordinated by Creative Time and The PowerPlant Art Gallery in Toronto to speak on his approach & practice: “Ignorance as Revolution and Fear as Homeland”. He completed his OPEN SOURCE RESIDENCE ART with The Fire Theory in September 2017 in Brooklyn, New York on situations related to migrations. Rodriguez has been nominated as a 2014 MISOL Emerging Artist Grant from the MISOL Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia. He was a member of the Zummer Paul Klee Academy in 2015, curated by Hassan Khan Berne, Switzerland. Rodriguez was selected for the artistic residence DESPINA 2016 "Art and activism in Latin America" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from September-October 2016.